There are a lot of different ways you can find hidden cash around your home. Comb through your purses, drawers and pockets for loose change, but also look for less obvious places that you might have shoved a few dollars into.

Finding Cash Tucked Under the Bed

It’s not uncommon for homeowners to find hidden stashes of money, gold and jewelry in their homes. In fact, a recent survey found that a surprising amount of money is still hiding in people’s attics, under beds and within closets.

HGTV recently launched a new series called Cash In The Attic that explores home owners’ hiding places in hopes of uncovering hidden treasures. The series’ host Courtney Tezeno explains how her team searches for potential cash-generating items in each house they visit. More info

Finding Money Tucked Under the Bed

Using a thimble and a flashlight, HGTV’s Tezeno searched under the bed and in closets to uncover more than a few pounds of gold. She was particularly pleased to find a necklace worth more than $1,200 and some other jewelry with an unusual metal clasp that was reportedly a gift from her grandmother in the 1970s.

The necklace was a good start, but the other items found in the box were just as interesting. The bracelet was a large strand of gold, and the silver ring contained two heirloom diamonds.

Stuffed Cushions and Other Places Tucked with Cash

A woman named Vicky Umodu was surprised to find $36,000 tucked inside her beige floral-patterned couch, a gift she had received for free. The money, which she returned to the family who gave her the furniture, was stuffed into manila envelopes.

This is a very interesting story, and it’s one that should inspire you to be more vigilant about where your money may be buried. There are many different reasons why people hide cash, from emergencies to fear of bank collapses or fees.

If you want to be extra cautious, keep an eye out for hidden stashes of money in the places you least expect them – like beneath your mattress or behind your fridge door. If you’re going to be moving, make sure you check all your storage spaces, and don’t just throw things away without asking yourself where they might be.